Thursday, August 16, 2012

What's in a name?

I've been asked lately, why "Staff Or Die"?

I've been in the recruiting world for about five years now, and I feel like nothing captures the essence of staffing for me better than "Staff or Die".  I remember about year two, I heard someone in our recruiting pit use the phrase jokingly to a partner of mine.  It stuck with me ever since.  Staffing is definitely not for the faint of heart, and not for the easy to let down folks.  It requires a certain type of personality (crazy) to do the job, and even crazier to stick around.  Its like corporate HR without the glamour typically.

On the positive side of things, I love the feeling of helping people get jobs, I love the challenge of finding that weird background (Interplanetary astrophysicist).  I remember my training where my recruiting trainer told me that he had the best job in the world.  He would go home, and talk about his day with his wife.  She would tell him about nursing issues, patient problems, helping people.  She would tell him that she had saved lives.  He would then reply with "I got someone a job today".  I had a little shiver when I heard this, and I have been hooked ever since.

So next time you end a recruiting meeting, might I suggest "Staff Or Die" be a good end to the meeting?

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